how can anyone capture life so fucking beautifully in so few lines? I don't know when he (Roger Waters) wrote it...whether its when his girlfriend left him or when he felt his "Rosebud" moment or when he was high on cocaine ....this single is so fucking awesome that it makes the soul restless....mind nostalgic and heart sad....n make wish you were child again !!
"I cant explain you wont understand"
Didn't it ever occurred to all ? That numbness !! When no-one can understand what u feel because there are no words in dictionary to explain it...A sense of pain , not by loss of anything else but of own soul ..own dreams !! The most painful object in worlds isn't when u lose someone close to u or when u lose anything closest to u ; its when your dream is gone.When u feel u are staring at vast plains of solitudeness .....an infinite stretch of space which was once filled with dreams. The person he is calling in song is his own soul....he lost it..he don't know how ..he don't know when and he don't know why ....he just know he lost it. And he knows he had it once and its that residual self of his own past which is pricking him ; There is no life without a dream and he fucking knows it but he is still alive..wondering who the hell am I? where is he whom i was once....? He has just become "comfortably numb" ....
I wonder what he is comfortably numb to? To idea that he has given up his dreams? or that he cant feel the pain anymore? Some will say to realize u lost it , is feeling pain in itself. I don't think so....its feeling of emptiness..nostalgia....void ....an urge to feel again ....that rainbow of dreams one can weave each morning as a child..uncorrupted mind....unbroken heart ....Is this another of version "yesterday" from Beatles? I don't think so....I hear some acoustic guitar notes just after words"there is no pain you are receding" ....its like to add a tenderness to an expression of pain....a sweet chord to smoothie mind after sledge hammer....First time i heard it i felt a sax is used in interlude. :)
I know many who appreciate the song but wonder can they really feel depth of it. For me it will anytime be better classic than "The Wall" In fact in movie "The Wall" the song is played while he is trying to cross over other side of it. In many ways its a prequel to The Wall or may be sequel to Bob Dylan's "Knock knock knocking on Heavens door" in its essence....
"there is no pain you are receding"
"child is grown ...dream is gone..."
Stanley Kubrick once said the happiest moment in ones life is when he is born. The child with his eyes full of hope and free of fear is the most beautiful phenomena of nature. Its entrenches dreams larger than space and deeper than time but as we grow all that is left is feelings of hurt , fear of losing and stress of failure...we long for those innocent souls ....a pure tranquil moment in our life....longing so enormous that if we can feel n sleep like a child just once more ; we can happily sleep forever again in that womb of eternal bliss full of dreams....."Comfortably Numb" coz that's one of Nirvana ....
I love this song and for that matter all of Pink Floyd coz it has one weird unexplainable sense of hopeful premise even in darkest den..its like all of Pink Floyd Ritz starts with feeling of low but ends on feeling of high. Its like you can feel your own numbness ...can one still remain "comfortably numb" after that?? I guess not...that's why Pink Floyd rocks n so does "Comfortably Numb" ! A weirdly soul striking but exalting experience ...Always !!!
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